Discover:AnythingIsPossible: Readers Respond
Earlier this month, we asked: “what would you do if you could do anything?” We were delighted to read all 305 of your responses: some were specific (“I’d teach creative writing within California’s juvenile justice system”), while others were more universal (“I would like to do what I love!”). Overall, many of your goals and dreams shared a desire to do good, as well as to make time for yourselves. It was also great to see people energized and inspired by one another. Here are some highlights.
I would make sure my mom is always taken care of.
— slumber thumb
Stand in front of a crowd of thousands and speak on things that matter to me, and I hope would matter to them too. Look and feel beautiful without letting the world’s notions of “beauty” get to me. Love and forgive myself, without waiting for others to do the same.
— Shravani
I would change legislation that allows testing on animals and ensure there are no breeding programs specifically for testing on animals. It’s cruel, outdated, and wholly unnecessary.
— Dexter
I would go back to childhood and stay there forever.
— Astronews
I would build the world’s biggest orphanage here in my country, Uganda.
— Sharawi
Heal what has been broken.
— A Creative PTSD Gal
Reconciliation with the boy who wanted to draw the things he enjoyed, well. I decided to make that jump six months ago after years of not lifting up a pencil or brush. I began by giving myself permission to fail, learn and love the process more than the result. I started my WordPress blog specifically as a way to check-in and make sure I keep this promise to myself.
— Luis Roca
I would solve derivatives problems in two seconds.
— Tech Radicals
I’d teach young people how to stand up for themselves and what they believe in.
— Tackling life
If I could do anything, I would help create more opportunities for writers and photographers of color. We have voices that need to be heard. Our stories and perspectives could help people see another side to a story or inspire them.
— Apple of My Eye
I’d travel back in time and make sure my mom gets the right diagnosis so she would not die so young.
— Hip fracture / young adult
I would change the world into a cartoon. Cartoons are fun, colorful, happy. You can have super powers. No poverty. Bad guys always get caught.
— Bionic Spiral
I would devote my life to supporting students of color who are interested in pursuing higher education in the field of mental health. There is a great need for psychologists, social workers, and life coaches that look more like our ever-changing society.
I would remove my father’s cancer so that he could be healthy again.
— Tanssitytön blogi
Foster and support more Asian-Canadians in the visual and performing arts, including the movie industry.
— Cycle Write Blog
If I could do anything, I’d be myself. Do all the things I aspire to do without being afraid of what the world is gonna think of me.
— Lyn Ann’s World
I would start a satirical news website to encourage people to laugh through these difficult times.
— The Nebulous Observer
If I could do anything, I would first start off by volunteering in local shelters and rehabilitation centers. I have had firsthand experience with seeing loved ones battle addictions and working to overcome them, and I feel like I could do something to help. Second, I would love to start my own editorial of sorts to share stories and experiences of people that go unnoticed.
— J’Anne Alexandra
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